June 26-27
Here are the early details of the Big Ole Lumberjack Festival Homebrew Competition. I will be updating this as the rest of the details are worked out. Just thought I'd post this now to get the word out. This is going to be held mid to late June.
Who is eligible to participate
The competition is open to any homebrewer from within the United States. Affiliation of entrants with AHA is NOT a requirement. Contestants will be considered as an individual entrant on the basis of person's name appearing on the registration form. Combinations of brewers should appear in the same order on all entries. Applicable entry fees and entry limitations shall apply.
Homebrewers may not use homebrewing facilities other than their own, unless brewed with the help of the owner of other homebrewing facilities. Furthermore, in this case, the beer must be entered under the name of all brewers who helped. Beers brewed in commercially licensed facilities, brew on premise, whether for commercial research or production, or for any other purpose, are ineligible.
Beer entries will be judged in 5-7 different categories. Categories may be altered at the head judges discretion.
How and what to enter
Entry Fees: Entry fees for this competition are $5.00 per entry. The registration form can be accessed from this web page beginning 05/25/2009. All checks should be made payable to the Bay de Noc Brewers and sent with your entries and your registration form to Big Ole Festival Homebrewing Competition c/o Josh Marenger, 1430 Stephenson Ave #2, Escanaba, MI 49829. Judges and Stewards can volunteer by calling Jeremy Drury at 906-555-5555 or by sending an e-mail to events@baydenocbrewers.org
Entry Requirements: Bottles must be 10 to 16 ounce glass or plastic of ANY style and clean and free of any labels (inked, paper, or otherwise). Entrants are encouraged to use brown, long-neck bottles for maximum protection from light and breakage. Use a rubber band to attach bottle label form to each bottle. The use of tape or glue to attach forms is not acceptable. For the competition, homebrewing competitors must enter two bottles for each entry. Soft drink or other printed crowned caps are acceptable; however, they need to be blacked-out with a black marking pen to assure anonymity in all judging situations. There is no limit on how many beers you can submit per category.
All entry fees, names of competitor, address, phone number, Category entered must accompany entries when submitted. No entries will be returned whether received late or otherwise. All entries become property of the Bay de Noc Brewers Competition Committee.
Use official registration forms (or copies) that can be found here when possible though other registration forms such as ProMash will be accepted.
Beers will be disqualified for entry requirements infractions. These entries may still be judged (unless a shipping infraction has occured) but will be ineligible for awards or prizes. You will still receive your score sheets.
Where and when to enter
Drop your entries early to arrive between 06/??/2009 and 06/??/2009 at Hereford & Hops. Entries will be refrigerated upon receipt, thus helping to preserve the quality that we receive them in. No entries will be accepted after 06/??/2009. Sorry, we cannot make any exceptions.
Out-of-State Entries: Please send deliveries to Big Ole Festival Homebrew Competition, c/o Josh Marenger, 1430 Stephenson Ave #2, Escanaba, MI 49829. It is legal to ship your entries via UPS, FedEx Ground or air freight. The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Division of the Internal Revenue Service says it's legal. Usually you will be asked the contents of the package; your reply should be: "Bottles, but they are double-boxed and padded well." DO NOT send entries via US Postal Services. It is illegal to ship via USPS and your entry will not be judged.
PACK YOUR ENTRIES WELL: Line the inside of your carton with a plastic trash bag. Partition and pack each bottle with adequate packaging material. Clearly state "GLASS-FRAGILE. THIS SIDE UP" on the package. Your package of NON-PERISHABLE FOOD should weigh less than 40 pounds. It is not necessary to state specific contents of your package of non-perishable food. Send entries as soon as possible. No late entries will be accepted.
Drop-Off Points:
Hereford & Hops Restaurant and Brewery
Ludington St.
Escanaba, MI 49829
Judging will be done in open sessions from 06/DD though 06/DD, as needed. In the first round, the judges will judge each category, selecting the best three. The second round consists of all the 1st place beers selected in the first round. The winner will be named best of show. More than one judge will evaluate every first round entry. Entries will be chilled and stored properly and appropriately. All decisions of the judges and competition organizer are final. Winners will be announced at Big Ole Festival 06/26/2009. All winners will be notified and every reasonable effort will be made to return score sheets and judges' comments to all entrants. Results will also be found on this website.
If you would like to judge, you can register by clicking the "Volunteer, Judge or Steward" button on this page or may register by sending an e-mail to events@baydenocbrewers.org
Awards and Prizes
There will be ribbons awarded for first, second, and third place in all catagories. BOS will have their name added to the Big Ole Axe Trophy that will be displayed at Hereford and Hops. The winner will also receive (whatever prizes donated from sponsors). A minimum of 25 points must be obtained to receive a ribbon. Other prizes will be awarded, hopefully something in all categories for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, Best of Show. In case of a tie, tie breaks will be determined at the discretion of the competition coordinator.
Contest Sponsors: