Sunday, April 22, 2012

Latest Batch (De Dolle Still Nacht "inspired" ale with bugs)

Hey all, Well I mentioned I was going to be getting back into doing some more beer with Brettanomyces and some other bugs. Well I just racked my De Dolle, Stille Nacht inspired ale out of the primary into 2 different carboys and pitched a vial of Brett claussenii (WLP 645) in one and a vial of Belgian Sour Mix I (WLP655) in the other. I'm not expecting a lot of sourness from the B. claussenii, just more of a pineapple-like aromatic quality hopefully. I'm going to see what I can do with both of these as far as blending them when they are all done. I'm very anxious to try these as it has been a couple years now since I have played with any wild yeast or bacteria. Here is the recipe I came up with for this beer. This is a 90 minute boil to try and volitize dms precursors.

Stille Nacht inspired
16-E Belgian Specialty Ale
Author: Brian Richards
Date: 4/13/2012

Size: 10.5 gal
Original Gravity: 1.082 (1.026 - 1.120)
Color: 7.58 (1.0 - 50.0)
Bitterness: 20.8 (0.0 - 100.0)

23.0 lb Belgian Pils
8 oz Honey Malt
8 oz Special Aromatic Malt
8 oz German CaraFoam
8 oz Belgian Biscuit
8 oz Belgian Caravienne
2 lb White Table Sugar (Sucrose)

.75 oz Bravo (14.2%) - added during boil, boiled 60 m
0.5 oz Styrian Goldings (3.4%) - added during boil, boiled 15.0 m
0.5 oz Styrian Goldings (3.4%) - added during boil, boiled 3.0 m
1.0 ea Fermentis T-58 Safbrew T-58
1.0 ea Fermentis S-33 Safbrew S-33

I transfered from primary fermenter into 2 5 gallon carboys carrying over a decent amount of yeast from the primary and I pitched 1 vial of WLP645 (Brett. claussenii) and 1 vial of WLP655 (Belgian Sour Mix I). When I transfered the beer my gravity was at 1. 022, not sure how much character I'm going to get with this being the starting line for souring agents. I'm a little rusty.


Well, my and my bro-in-law are thinking about brewing a batch of our O.T.A.S. (One Ton Axle Swap) Imperial Porter today for a festival in Portage, IN. (Porter's Perfect Pint sponsored by Leroy's Hot Stuff and Pat's Liquor) We want to age some of it in a recently dumped whiskey barrel that should be arriving this week. If you live in the area you should come check us out. I believe it is in late Sept to early Oct. sometime. I'll definitely be posting about it as it approaches.


essay said...

Thanks for posting this useful info. It really helped me

Unknown said...

Here is the recipe I came up with for this beer.
dissertation titles completed

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recipe! Great for homebrewing

Geek blog said...

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