I got together with my brewing buddies Kevin and James the other night and we had a nice little spread of beers to try. We sipped on a Scotty Karate which is a Scotch Ale from Dark Horse. It is a pretty amazing beer with rich malt character and a nice smoke presence. We also drank a very limited edition beer from Flossmoor Station called "Evil" which was a Belgian Dark Strong Ale. That was a tastey beer. It had hints of Belgian candi sugar, honey, and a there was an underlying spiciness that was just right. After we drank one of my 12th anniversary beers from Flossmoor we had a Cantillon "Rose de Gambrinus" which is a Lambic made with raspberries. What an incredible beer that is. It is like nothing else.
Embracing Inefficiency in Craft Brewing
4 months ago
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