The Struise-Mikkeller Elliot Brew is a RateBeer special release--part of their Worldwide Masters Series. This is a Double IPA at 9.0 ABV and 130 IBUs. It is brewed with all the usual suspects and Belgian candi sugar and spices.
Poured into a chalice it appears a copper/orange color with a nice creamy white head that falls just short of a meringue. It has a slight haze to it. Leaves excellent lacing on my glass.
The aroma is really similar to Orval. First thought: "This is going to be super dry". Nice hop aroma with very mild Apricot. It really does hint at dryness. (Good topic for discussion: Can aroma give away how dry a beer will be. I think really dry beers have that smell that resembles a surface that has just been wiped down with an alcohol wipe.)
The flavor is great. It is very dry but somehow still leaves a touch of lingering candi sweetness. Big hop bite up front and as it washes over my palate it gives way to a very subtle spiciness that I can't really put my finger on. A very refreshing finish. Aftertaste makes me think of grains of paradise with floral hop notes.
The mouthfeel is pretty light bodied with moderate carbonation. Leaves a resiny coating of hoppiness to enjoy for later.
This is a very drinkable beer for 9.0 ABV. I wish I would have picked up more than one of these while I was in Chicago. Definitely pick this one up if you see it. Pretty much anything that De Struise Brouwers or Mikkeller had their hands in is bound to be pretty good.
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