Well, the MSF Homebrew Competition has come and gone. There were 721 entries this year which is pretty amazing. Kudos to Phil Kitkowski, Rex Halfpenny, the Judges and everyone else who put helped out to put together such a great competition. Kirk Rowland ran away with BOS and the Rex Halfpenny Award this year. His Dortmonder Export took BOS and I saw his name all over the place in the results. Nice Job Kirk. Jeff Carlson got BOS for his La Peach Ridge Syder for all of the Cider entries. Matthew Goebel got BOS for his Cherry Mead. I was excited to receive two 1st place awards for my Belgian Specialty and Belgian Strong Dark Ale as well as an honorable mention for my Flanders Red Ale. The Brewing Network represented pretty well with four of us placing and Jeremy Drury from the Bay de Noc Brewers also received honorable mention for his Simcoe IPA. Nice job Jeremy, way to represent the U.P.
See all the results here
Embracing Inefficiency in Craft Brewing
5 months ago